Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Another Year Older
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Scott and Christy Got a New Toy
Crystal leads her first ride

Christmas 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Outdoor kitchen and dining area...part 4
Monday, December 7, 2009
Outdoor kitchen and dining area...part 3

Monday, November 16, 2009
A new outdoor kitchen and dining area...part 2

Thanks to all the guys that have helped work on this porject so far. It would be difficult to get it this far without the extra help.
Stay tuned.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
A new outdoor kitchen and dining area...part 1
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Cassy has a great time on the mountain
We ventured over through Cedar Breaks which is always an awesome sight, but it's elevation is just too high for lots of color this time of year. Did still get some amazing views of valley though. We made our way back over and headed to Duck Creek for lunch. Cassy found a new friend, Jordan, an english lab about a year old outside our lunch stop. It's amazing how many traits are the same in labs.
After lunch we stopped at Aspen Mirror Lake so Cassy could play. Getting out to explore is her thing for sure. As if she wasnt excited enough, once she saw water it was game on. She loves to swim and retrieve. Oh, and roll around like a lunatic afterwards. She had an awesome day.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
DAT Anniversary
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
She loves her Daddy.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Riding the Ghost Train

ATV Club Rides Ely, NV
Here we are Saturday morning...28 riders strong ready to head out for a day of adventure.

One of our prettiest places to ride was Sawmill Canyon. What a gorgeous place this is.

Eventually, we made our way to Ward Cemetary and Historic Mining District. Unfortunately, the mining district was not accessible. There were large burms with deep trenches behind them where all the roads used to be. GRRRRR! The cemetary was neat though.

We enjoyed lunch in a lush meadow that had a spring and some water troughs. I'd like to hide myself there to see what kind of wildlife comes out towards evening.
Our last stop on Saturday's ride where the train stops to turn around. We barely made it in time. It was neat to see them disconnect and re-connect the train. There was a boy losing his mind when he saw all of us along the tracks and the stopping point. Funny stuff.
All in all, it was a good trip, with lots of wonderful people. There were a few issues that will soon be resolved, and a few closed trails that made it really frustrating for Timm. Alan's quad broke down before the weekend even started. Some major repairs need to be done because the service technician didn't complete his job. I don't think those that follow know how the weight of responsibilites feels for the ride leader. Hopefully, someday they will step up and lead a ride.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Cassy and Shelby camp and swim
They both had a great time at the lake. Shelby forgot how to swim for a minute...there was more splashing than swimming...it was hysterical. I put the video on Facebook if you want to see it. (Crystal Martin, Las Vegas...Cassy is the the photo with us)
They even shared the stick...although not by choice I think. It was cute though.
A great time on Cedar Mountain

Our Saturday adventure to us to an awesome overlook, took a group shot there. Nineteen riders went on an 80 mile loop that day that took us to Yankee Reservoir, Panguitch Lake, Hatch, near Duck Creek, Dead Lake, and back to camp on Red Desert Road. Timm was our ride leader and he did another awesome job. For most of the riders this weekend, this was a new place to ride and explore.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Get away for a day
We ventured as far as we could go, that's the ski resort by the way. We got out at the meadow and wandered around for a while. With all the rain, there was actually water in wash...lots of it. By the time we stopped to get out it had subsided quite a bit. Cassy sure loves to explore, really she does. She ran around the meadow sniffing, running through the water and more. What a great time she had. It's fun to watch her knowing she is really enjoying herself.