We spent our New Year's weekend with friends at Raor Road, outside Baker CA. Timm and I didn't get out until Jan 1 along with a few other couples. The rest arrived the last day of 2008. Our youngest son, Chris tagged along this time. It was nice to have him there with us for a change. His dog, Shelby came along and it was her first camping trip. Cassy showed her the ropes and she did well.

Our fist day took us to Afton Canyon. Along the way we stopped to play in the dunes, ran amunck along the valley floor (it's practically all river bed and washes), and splashed our way through the water in the canyon. I think the most fun was the river crossing near the Afton Canyon Campground. It was quite a bit deeper than las time we were there and Chris had never been there. Here is Liz trying not to get wet, and Chris...well...he's all wet!

On the way back out, there were a few stops we'd like to have made but there were all ready several groups at each location so we continued on. We did stop at the mine though. Some folks drug their trailers all the way back there and had set up camp. That's a rough road in many spots. Again, we all ran amuck and we lost Chris for a bit. I can see how people get lost in the desert.

Here are Chris and I in one of two cabins that we found. We've been to this one before but found a second with all kinds and of fun and wired stuff in it.
It was a little chillier than expected with the wind that blew through at night but campfires kept us all warm. Keith is our designated 'fire dude', he can build quite a campfire and we all stayed warm.

If you don't know, sunrise is awesome in the desert. This was Saturday morning.
Saturday's ride took us south through the desert and the sand past the railroad tracks to the Desert Megaphone. I've got several books on the area, and no one can figure out why it's there.

Just beyond it is the Bacon Strip Ranch. Yup, I know it's wierd but someone actually has an air strip on the dry lake bed, has built a couple of buildings and a shade structure and call it a ranch. Believe it or not, a person can actually rent the cabins out there. He will supply water, firewood, and a cabin. That's an entreprenuial spirit for ya!

P.S. We're really not that chubby, just have 4 layers on (including some rain gear). On the way back we hit a really awesome dune area with tall hills. All the guys had a great time racing around on the sand. Chris was in his glory.
It was a great weekend capped off with delicious food, good friends, and fun for all. Can't wait for the next one.