It was a gorgeous day Sunday and I really felt the need to get out of the house. We gathered up the kids and we all headed down to Nelson for a mine tour. We haven't been there in forever so what the heck. Besides, it was good for the whole family to do something together.
We picked up some chicken and enjoyed a picnic lunch and headed for Nelson. These guys have done a ton of work down there and have had the mine tour going for a few years now. There is so much stuff to look at and wonder's so interesting.
They take small groups into the mine, you can see levels below and above you. There are about 3 miles of tunnels in that mountain! Cassy even went of the tour...she's such an exploring dog, really she loves to explore.
I took a ton of photos of old stuff....signs, gas pumps, buildings, cars, and more. Timm even posed for this one, wouldn't get into the car though. I would like to go back and explore some more around there. We were told they are used in many photo shoots, videos, and movies. In fact Toby Keith is supposed to be there soon for a vidio bad they can't say when. In a short time the cactus will be in bloom and the whole area will be even more spectacular, I think we'll go back again then. If you want to get out of town for a day, this is a great place to explore!