We started our day adventure on a gravel road that I had recently spoken with a BLM ranger about our ATV to work on. We made it half way down the raod before it turned left and started getting too rough for my little trailblazer. Figured it would be safer to do that than get stuck, besides no one knew where we were at the time. Next time, we'll take the ATV's to get the rest of the way through. You know, now that I think about it, the ranger said he had not been all the way through it either...hmmm.
Well, we headed up the Lee Canyon road watching the clouds get darker, lightening hitting the ground on the mountain, and rain making it's way down to us. It cooled off and it felt so good. We explored a group primitive campsite that looks like a great place to get out of the heat for a weekend. There are many people tucked up in the trees...avoiding the rain...as we were walking around in it. (Note the lovely hair style I'm wearing.) Further up the mountain we stopped at the picnic area and munched on a couple of chicken wings in the Trailblazer since it was still raining.
We ventured as far as we could go, that's the ski resort by the way. We got out at the meadow and wandered around for a while. With all the rain, there was actually water in wash...lots of it. By the time we stopped to get out it had subsided quite a bit. Cassy sure loves to explore, really she does. She ran around the meadow sniffing, running through the water and more. What a great time she had. It's fun to watch her knowing she is really enjoying herself.
We finished up our day in Kyle Canyon, doing a little bit of hiking, but mostly just enjoyng the cool weather.
And to top it off, stopped and got dinner at Cafe Rio....YUMMY! I wish we would get one on our side of town. What a great get away it was...pretty scenery, time spent together, rain, cool weather, exploring...just about perfect.