On Saturday we got up early and headed for Cedar City to have some work done on Timm's quad. Cassy, like us, loves a road trip. What a surprise it was to see snow on the ground in town! They had gotten snow on Thursday...no tracks in most of it. Cassy loves the snow, so while Timm was handling things at All Seasons I took her out back to stretch and potty. It was 'game on' when she saw snow drifts against the buildings. She got all excited, was running around all speedy like and rolling in the snow. I couldn't help but laugh, she was having such a good time. While they worked on the quad, we headed up the mountain for some much needed scenery. The seeps along the road heading up the canyon were still full of icicles, and there was a ton of snow on the ground...way more than when we went to cut Christmas trees. We stopped at Woods Ranch to let Cassy out to play some more.
Fortunately, they must have gotten some nice sun on Friday to put a crust on the snow making it easy for us to get around on top of it. Good thing I didn't wear my Crocs though.

After tromping through, running and playing fetch for a while, we were on our way back up the mountain. We stopped at Midway to watch some snowmobiles...man those things are fast. Had a friendly conversation with some of them who fell in love with Cassy.
Again, play and roll around in the snow...silly girl. It must feel really good.
We made our way to Duck Creek Village, along the way there was so much snow, especially for April. The snowmobilers said Brianhead got 18"...we all know they are happy campers right now. Navajo Lake was covered in ice and snow, couldn't even see it. Where we stopped to cut Christmas trees, there was about 3-4 feet of snow and no place to pull over. We stopped at Loose Wheels to get a drink and snack. Cassy shared a cookie with mom. The Yamaha dealer was having a BBQ, the guys were all bundled up hovering around trying to keep warm.
Cassy guarded the truck and quad while we ate lunch at Timm's favorite little Mexican restaurant in town. She was rewarded with her very own ice cream cone. She had a good day.