Happy Halloween everyone...enjoy your adventures.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Finally....a camping and ATV trip
4 wheelers,
Chief Mtn,
Monday, October 10, 2011
Wild at Heart
In August, Timm went to Cedar Mountain, Utah for the annual Wild at Heart mens' retreat from Canyon Ridge Church. Normally, Timm leads one of the ATV groups for their day of adventure. This year he took the smoker and taught a group of men the in's and out's of smoking. This group also prepared the meals for the rest of the groups. Rave reviews were had by all and it looks like he'll be back at the pit again next year. The best part of it all...bringing men closer to God.
Cedar Mountain,
Trailhound Smokers BBQ,
Wild at Heart
Thursday, September 8, 2011
If you haven't been to Bearizona you should really go. It's awesome! Jump off I-40 at Williams...you know...on the way to the Grand Canyon. On the east end of town is Bearizona. You'll get to drive through the habitats and see donkeys, big horn sheep, buffalo, white buffalo, wolves, and of course BEARS! They also have a walk thru area that has seen much growth in just over a year's time. All the little babies are there....soooo cute! You won't want to miss this...wolf pups, bear cubs, raccoons, bobcats, and more. Oh, there's a petting zoo area as well now. Seriously, if you are traveling accross Northern Arizona on I-40, stop in Williams for a fun Route 66 experience and visit Bearizona.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
A BBQ Contest and Vacation
After the Smoke on the River BBQ contest in Heber we stuck around several extra days to enjoy a short vacation. The area was so green and beautiful. The campground was at the base of Jordanelle Dam at the edge of the Provo River...not a lot of traffic since it was literally at the end of the road. They went out of their way to make us feel welcome, we even enjoyed a campfire and pot luck dinner with them on two nights.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day
Wishing everyone a safe Memoral Day weekend.
Give praise, respect, and support to all our military...they lay their lives on the line for us each and every day!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Dining hall making progress
The dining hall has made great progress in the last month. Timm did all the taping of seams and screws with several coats and sanding. Once that was done, one of Chris' coworkers came over and sprayed the texture. We're glad he did it and it came out looking fabulous. Paint was chosen and Timm was painting the dining hall that day. He did a second coat on Sunday. Once again, we under estimated the amount of paint needed for the project...it took 4 gallons. There is just one little corner Timm left open for the family of birds. They left the nest just a few days later. Now, that part is patched and ready for texture and paint. We've got the boards for trimming out the windows but won't likely get to them in May since it's filled with BBQ events every weekend. By the way, you can check the schedule for all the events over at the Trailhound Smokers BBQ blog...just click on the link in the side bar. The paint color looks great and compliments the siding. It's looking great and we're really pleased with how it looking.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Death Valley...part 2
Where were we...time has flown quickly. Another stop for a day of adventure was Salt Creek and those expensive pup fish. Believe it or not there is water in Death Valley...and yes, fish. There is a cool, wood boardwalk that hovers over the salt flat and lets water flow underneath it. You can see the pup fish in many places and other wildlife...yup, that's a rattlesnake. He's hanging out at the edge of the boardwalk in the shade.
We stopped at the Harmony Borax Works. It's hard to believe that anyone could work, let alone live out here...such harsh conditions, and hard work for those pioneering folk.
We also stopped at Furnace Creek for a picnic lunch, some ice cream from the General Store, and walked through the outdoor museum. That is one big wheel...Timm is 6'3'' to put in perspective. Do you notice the elevation sign in the background behind the wagon...178 feet below sea level.
We also took a drive throught Artist's Palette. Such unusual colors, I see where it got it's name. By that time, I was not hiking down intot he wash and back up the other side to get close...dang knees. Lots of very tight curves in there as well and we followed the wash down the alluvial fan to the valley floor again. Our last stop was at Donte's View, it overlooks Bad Water. It's 282 feet below seal level down there, and over 5000 ft at Donte's View.

What a full day we had. It was so good to get out and explore. I really enjoyed and I know Timm and Cassy did as well. A great birthday present for everyone to enjoy.
Dining hall improvements
For Christmas, the boys gave Dad gift cards to work on the dining hall. A couple of weekends ago, Chris and some of his co-workers hung sheetrock inside the hall. It was a nice surprise to come home to after our Death Valley trip. Timm's been taping joints and screws during the week and it sounds like it will be textured and painted next weekend. Anyone wanna come help? We'll feed ya some great BBQ. ;0)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Death Valley...part one
For Crystal's birthday we did a day trip to Death Valley National Park. Our original plan was to make a run through Titus Canyon (it's a 4 wheel drive route) but the road was closed with the rains and snow last week. So we moved onto plan B and enjoyed the desert with all the other visitors. Our first stop was Stove Pipe Wells, that's where we found out why Titus Canyon was closed.
Not far from there is the Mosaic Canyon hike. It's quite popular apparently. It doesn't look like much at first...but...it's a really neat hike up a narrow section with a congomeration of rocks and stone. I can see how this place got it's name, Mosaic...the layering and mixes of types of rock are just amazing.
The forces of nature have been busy here, there is no doubt. The power of water filled with rocks and debris that rushes through here must be incredible to witness. Having never seen that myself, I am able to see the results of such power. The trail works into a 'narrows' section, the stone has been polished smooth by wind and water. At one point many years ago, someone put in a "ladder" into the stone. I'm thinking that the opening to the right was not there at the time and a person had to climb up the rock to get further up the canyon. Cassy, of course, had a great time exploring. She runs ahead, comes back to see where we are, and runs ahead again. She puts on a lot more miles than we do. She is a happy girl when she gets out, for sure.
In part two, we'll continue the adventures on our day trip to Death Valley.
Death Valley,
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Rock Springs AZ Competition
Trailhound Smokers decided to compete in the Rock Springs BBQ competition at the last minute...well 4 days. That's last minute for us around here, our events are normally more planned out than that. However, IMBBQA.com offered up half the entry fee to the first team to respond and we took advantage of it.
This time around Cassy, our mascot and my dad came with us. It was really nice to spend some quality time with Dad...and he enjoys BBQ and intrigued by the whole competition thing. After a couple of stops, we were the last team to arrive. We set up next to our friends with R&R BBQ, got meat inspected, hit the cook's meeting, and got our site set up. Timm was itching to get things going.
Plans called for the pits to fire up at 3am with meat going on shortly after for the long cooks of brisket and pork. Although the weather was pleasant, the night was chilly. We can't wait till it warms up a bit more for contests...it will make night shifts and make-shift sleeping much more comfortable. The newly insulated firebox on the pit worked really well as was much more efficient, using less wood than before.
This was the first sanctioned contest for the Barbeque Championship Series, although Mike and his crew are experts at hosting BBQ events. They did a fabulous job...as always. This contest also featured a Tailgate Contest to see who's booth had the best food, theme, and spirit. Congrats to McFrankenboo for winning 1st place in the Tailgate portion of the contest! Erin is a spunky, spirited and enthusiastic person...of course, Shamus helps too.
Our goal was to place mid-pack in the list of 27 teams. We were shocked and astounded when we received 3 calls...4th in chicken, 5th in pork, and 7th in ribs. We were even more excited and shocked when we place 3rd overall! WOW! Who da thunk it?! Holy cow, that's a big trophy. There was even prize money to boot. Big thanks to R&R BBQ for their guidance and friendship. With their help, they really need to take credit for the pork entry.
Thanks goes out to my Dad for selling taster's choice. He really seemed to enjoy chatting with folks and several people came back for 2nd and 3rds. Fortunately, we recovered out meat costs with this which was a goal of ours.
There are folks we'd like to thank and give credit. Mike and the AZBBQ team for another great event. Rock Springs Cafe for hosting the event. Intermountain BBQ Association (IMBBQA) for offering up 50% of entry fees. R&R BBQ (Rod and Roger) for their friendship, mentoring, and guidance. My dad for coming with us, selling taster's choice, and for being an all around great guy. My cousin, Karen and her family in Chino Valley for letting us crash at their place on Saturday night.
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