Wishing all our friends and family a safe Independence Day.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Oak Creek Canyon, Dogtown Lake and White Horse Lake
While in Williams, AZ we ventured over to Oak Creek Canyon. What a pretty place it is. I can only imagine what it must look like in the fall.
Cassy loves to look out the window.
One of the cactus blooms in the area.
Timm loves drives like this.
When the canyon opens up at the south end near Sedona the rock formations are spectacular.
Cool refreshing water
Cassy wanted in the water really bad but I don't think the fly fisherman would have appreciated it.
We took Cassy Dogtown Lake and White Horse Lake so she could swim.
It really made her day!
And of course, she needs to roll in the dirt afterwards.
Crystal Martin,
Trailhound Smokers BBQ,
Thursday, June 20, 2013
While at the Northern Arizona BBQ Festival we took time to visit Bearizona again. This was our third trip and it gets better each time we go. They continue to work, build and grow the amazing park. There are new animals and exhibits each time we go. Here are some photos from our time there for you to enjoy.
Mountain goats
Mountain Big Horn
White Bison
Desert Big Horn
Bear Cubs
Bear Cubs
Javalina...looks like he's sticking his tongue out at us but he's really smelling the air.
Crystal Martin,
Monday, June 3, 2013
A couple of trips planned
It seems like its been forever since we've been on a trip but we made reservations for a couple of trips. Labor Day weekend we are heading to Marysvale, Utah! Yes! We'll be camping at Lizzie and Charlies' and riding the ATVs in the beautiful Utah mountains on the Paiute trail system.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Memorial Day
Take time today to give thanks to those who have sacrificed so you can enjoy your adventures.
Happy Memorial Day!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
National Day of Prayer
Please take a few moments to pray for our nation. Pray that our leaders would be surrounded by wise council and that wise council would be used in making decisions for America.
Pray for our troops...that they may have the resources they need to do the jobs that must be done, pray for their safety, pray for their support.
Pray that our economy to improve, to put our citizens back to work, to reduce the number of people on public assistance, that they may work to support themselves.
Pray that we take pride in America, stand up for what is right, to bring America back to a place of morality and sensibility that has been missing for a long time.
Pray for peace.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
National Parks Week
April 22-26 is National Parks Week....and it's free!!! Free entry that is!
Really, it's true. To celebrate the National Parks System they are offering free entry into
some of America's best treasures...our national parks. So if you can get out and visit one of the parks that would be amazing. While you're there, thank a ranger for his service.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
An awesome new tv show
Are You Tougher Than A Boy Scout? It's an awesome new show on the NatGeo Channel that airs new episodes on Monday nights
It pairs up 3 adults that were in Scouting as a child but quit, didn't finish, almost made it to Eagle against a group of experienced Eagle Scouts in a series of outdoor challenges that focus on merit badge skills.
I encourage anyone with the Scouting spirit still in your heart to tune in and watch. It's a great show.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
An Easter Ride
Last weekend was spent with family and friends as we enjoyed a barbecue for my birthday. Yesterday I saw my kids, had doggie daycare and two weddings this weekend so Easter Sunday was spent with just the two of us. We give praise to God for everything and know Christ is risen.
Since my quad has been out of commission for months and recently repaired, we set out for the desert hills of Nelson, NV. The desert was gorgeous today! It was a bright sunny day, the desert flowers are blooming and we enjoyed a peaceful ride over to Keyhole Canyon.
While there are a ton of petroglyphs on the rocks in that area, I found something I've not seen before in that area...painted glyphs. You can always see and find something new...even in a place you've been to many times before. I thought I'd share with you today. Have a blessed Easter.

While there are a ton of petroglyphs on the rocks in that area, I found something I've not seen before in that area...painted glyphs. You can always see and find something new...even in a place you've been to many times before. I thought I'd share with you today. Have a blessed Easter.
Crystal Martin,
Keyhole Canyon,
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