I got my little adventure finally. We took my 4 wheeler up to Cedar City for some TLC so it's ready for spring. After talking about some barbecue, Chris recommended Sonny's BBQ so we grabbed some before heading up Cedar Mountain. Good grub by the way...looks like another favorite place to eat in Cedar.
We stopped at Wood's Ranch, it's still really covered with snow. If you know Cassy, you know she loves snow. She must have rolled around in it for 15 minutes before doing anything else.
And if you know Shelby, you know she just wants to play fetch.
Click on the photo to watch.
We headed up to the top of the mountain and turned around at Midway. The wind was really chilly up there and we weren't prepared to hang out in it but we did let the dogs get out and play a bit more.
She was trying to catch snowballs. I thought she was going to dig half way to China to find one of them.
With that being said, here's another video for you.
When getting back to town I shopped at a cute little shop on the main drag called Country and More...I think. It's in the old Bulloch Drug building. Cute stuff...I bought a couple of frames. An early dinner at Lupitas...Timm's favorite Mexican restaurant and we headed home. I'm glad he took the day off to go with me, I really enjoyed it...and the girls did too.