Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Exploring Tecopa Mining District

We finally took the RV and the ATV's out over Thanksgiving weekend. They haven't left the yard since the end of June. We've been slightly busy with purchasing a house, remodeling, moving, etc.

We met up with friends on Friday morning to spend a weekend exploring the Tecopa Mining District. We tend to camp in the middle of nowhere so we can be closer to the things we are trying to find. We camped here in February but that weekend was cut short due to rain. This weekend however was a glorious weekend...the weather couldn't have been better. We actually had rain (I know, we live in the desert and so seldomget rain) so the trails had very little dust...even better.

At the China Ranch Date Farm, we purchased a book on the history of the area. That wasn't our purpose but it was a great purchase. We actually ventured down there for milk shakes, then they lured us in for some fresh baked bread...YUMMY! With a little reading we were ready to hit the trails to find a few places, it's very helpful and more satisfying. It makes it much more interesting when you know what the names are, what was being mined, etc.

The guys went out in the afternoon for a fun ride in the wash near the Sperry Trail. They found an overlook for Dumont Dunes. Holy Cow...what would make 20,000 people gather to form a small city. It was huge! We aren't into dunes so I guess we just don't get it. We did go back out for a night ride to the smae spot to see it in the dark. It was lit up just like Vegas!

We much prefer the peace and quiet around a campfire with friends, listening to the coyotes call to each other. The stars were just amazing! The Milky Way was bright, and you could see Venus and Jupiter hanging out with the cresent moon in the western sky.

Cassy was so happy to get on daddy's quad. She is a quad riding dog! She went on almost all the rides, only stayed in camp with mom one afternoon. She covered about 80 miles with us over the weekend. Not bad for a lab.

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