Friday, November 12, 2010

A Quick Trip Over Hoover Dam

We made a quick trip out to the dam the other day.  I still can't get over how low the water level is in Lake Mead.  That first island in the photo used to be totally underwater.  So sad.  Could someone please let some water out of Lake Powell please.
This is the view was you cross over the new bridge.  Not much to see, I know...and we were in the truck.   The sidewalls are so tall, guess they need to be that high so people don't stop on the bridge...besides it's 900 feet to the river below. 
There are a couple of bridges actually, this is the one on the Arizona side heading back to the main road (US-93). 

There is a place for people to get out and walk onto the new bridge.  We didn't stop because we has Cassy with us and I doubt they allow dogs on the bridge since they don't allow them on the dam.  Anyway, I snagged this photo from our friend Chris' FB page.  It's quite a view for sure.  Obviously, you can see how high the water level used to be...that's quite a bath tub ring. 

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