Sunday, January 10, 2010

1st ATV ride of the year

It's so exciting...Scott and Christy bought a RZR so now we can all go ATVing!  He needs to sell off his Predator now if you know anyone who's interested.  We went to the outskirts of Tecopa. CA for a day of riding and exploring.  Christy's never done this kind of stuff before and she had a great time.  Scott and Chris have never been out there either, so we were excited to take them all somewhere new to ride and explore. There is a whole mining district with a bunch of mines, timbers, tressulls, and more out there.  Even a small cemetary if you know where to look. 
There is so much for Christy to learn...first of all...bring toilet paper and baby wipes.  Both are a girls best friend on the trail. Better shoes is another big one, needs a pair of boots to crawl around and explore. She loved the barrel cactus, wait for it to bloom and she'll be blown away. She's such a good sport...doesn't matter to her if she gets dirty.  Can't wait to take her to Utah and ride the trails there.  Here she is exploring some of the old mining ruins and what's left of a train trussell.  We even went into one of the mines but all we had was one mini-mag flashlight for 4 people so we really didn't get all that far.
Unfortunately, a portion of this trail trussell has come down since we've been there last.  I'd like to think it was time and the weather but more than likely people didn't respect it.  That section was getting loose last time we were there.   Lunch was grilled hotdogs at the trucks, we must have been pretty hungry 'cuz they were almost all gone. Way better than sandwiches. We also went to China Date Ranch for shakes and bread...yummy.  It's a great way to end the day. 
Another first for Christy...she shot her first her camera, no less.  She dropped and broke it...bummer. practice! Chris gave her a gun safety and shooting lesson.  He's really good at it, very patient.

We all had the best day together out exploring the desert.  It's really remarkable how much is out there when you just get out there to see it.  Can't wait to go out again...all together!!!  It was a blast!

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